ABS Kids Blog

We're in the News! President Jeff Skibitsky Talks Autism Acceptance Month with ABC 4’s Good Things Utah

Written by Jeff Skibitsky | Apr 18, 2024 8:50:51 PM

ABS Kids’ President & Founder talks about Autism Acceptance Month and supporting autistic children after diagnosis

ABS Kids is back in the news!  

Jeff Skibitsky, our President and Founder, was invited on set by Good Things Utah, the live morning show on ABC 4 in Salt Lake City. He discussed the importance of autism acceptance – April is Autism Acceptance Month! – and getting children diagnosed early. 

The interview focused on what autism acceptance means, and what options are available to parents and caregivers who want to get a diagnosis for their child. Jeff also talked about what options and resources are available for children after they are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), noting that children can be diagnosed as early as 18 months old. 


He highlighted the unique nature of autism as a spectrum disorder, underlining the need for personalized therapy to address each child’s specific needs. He also shared the prevalence of ASD diagnoses in Utah, where 1 in 40 8-year-olds are diagnosed with autism, according to a recent CDC report

One of the highlights of the conversation was the importance of celebrating milestones and breakthroughs, both big and small – what Jeff called “wins.” At ABS Kids, we call those our Wow moments! 

ABS Kids offers a range of therapy options, including center-based, at-home, in-school, or hybrid approaches, ensuring accessibility for all families. For more information about early intervention and diagnoses, visit our Autism Diagnosis page

Be sure to watch Jeff’s interview here!